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Mental Health

Watch this space…I’ll be back almost immediately!

Hi Musers, my regular readers will know that since I started this blog 4 months ago I have always published a new blog post on Sunday and Thursday. Today that’s not going to happen. I’ve been honest with you all that I’ve been struggling quite badly with depression for the last couple of months. Today is probably the worst day I’ve had in that time. I know, just before Christmas! Great timing huh?

I’ve been depressed on other days I’ve been due to publish and managed to push through. At times it was even therapeutic. Today though I just don’t have it in me and believe me I’ve tried. So today I’m going to follow the advice I’ve offered to all of you and just give myself a break. I’m going to have an early night and hope desperately that when I wake up tomorrow I feel even a tiny bit better.

If I do, yay! I’ll get writing and you’ll have a blog post in a day or two. If not then have a wonderful Christmas, be kind to others (and yourself) and I’ll see you soon.

Love CMoo

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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