Love your body
Body Liberation

Want to love your body but can’t? Try for acceptance!

Hi Musers, I hope you’re all having a great day. Thank you so much for stopping by. Today we’re going to talk about the struggle to love your body. If you’ve been reading for a while you should know that I genuinely love my body. No, I’m not delusional. I’m not kidding myself. I am certainly not in denial! It’s taken a loooong time and a ton of work but I got there. If that’s your goal and you’re struggling to achieve it it’s ok! It’s a hard journey.

Everyone in today’s world has had diet culture forced down their throats since childhood. Particularly women in the western world. You have been told for your entire life if your body isn’t thin it isn’t acceptable. Maybe you’ve even been told it’s ugly. This. Is. A. Lie. You do not have to be thin, hourglass-shaped, white, cisgender, or feminine (or indeed masculine if you identify as male). You can look any way you choose. You’ll still be beautiful. You will still have worth.

I want to believe that but I can’t! 

I know. It’s hard! Learning to love your body in the face of toxic diet culture can seem an impossible task. If you can’t do it yet it’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with you. If you can’t love your body yet then why not try to accept it? That’s all. Accept it’s the way that it is and that’s ok. If even that seems too difficult here are a few exercises to help you. 

Learn that your body doesn’t determine your worth

Make a list. This will be a theme here at CMooMuses – I love a good list! This one is a list of everything wonderful about you that is completely unrelated to your weight. Are you kind? Intelligent? Great sense of humour? Great at writing lists? 😉 Get it all down. Please remember though this is all about who you are not how you look. 

If you struggle, ask the people who love you for some ideas. If you can’t come up with at least 10 things that are good about you that’s a problem though. I don’t even know you but I am 100% sure there are loads of wonderful things about you. If you are struggling this much with your self-esteem it may be something you need help with from a professional. In the meantime here’s a big hug from me! 🤗

Look in the mirror

Step 2. This one focuses on your body so get ready! First, start by looking at your body in the mirror. It works best if you’re naked but if you can’t bear to do it then start by wearing clothes. Look at yourself and say the first things that come to mind about your body. It might be “my belly is huge” or “look at that double chin” or “I hate my thighs”. Once you’ve done this stand there and say “I accept my xx” Don’t say you love it. It’s not true yet and your brain won’t accept it. Strive for acceptance. No good or bad, a simple acknowledgement that that is how things are right now. Do this every day for a few weeks. You may not love your body but after a while, you’ll be able to look at yourself without wanting to cry.

Focus on what they do

Once you’ve done some work with the mirror and you’re accepting your hated body parts more you can move on to the final step. Take the body parts you had a problem with and write them down. For each one try and make a list of what they allow you to do. I used to hate the flab hanging from my arms. My list was

  • They can bench press 35kg.
  • I use them to roll out the pastry to make pies to nourish the people I love.
  • They can wave my glow sticks in my Clubbercise class.
  • I can hug the people I love.
  • They let me get dressed and put on makeup and feel beautiful.

Once I’d absorbed this list I was surprised to realise I was feeling grateful. I appreciated all the things my arms can do and that was the first step towards loving them. Try the list for yourself and see how you get on.

I hope after you’ve tried these steps you’ll be feeling much better about your body. You may not love your body yet but no hatred either. Hang in there my Musers, you’re all fabulous people!

Love CMoo

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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