Three Great 3 Card Spreads For A New Week
Hi Musers! I hope you’ve had a fun and relaxing weekend. My weekend has been ok, although I am still dealing with the issues I discussed in my last post. It’s nearly over though (boo!), and so we need to get ready for a new week. Today I’m going to share some new spreads with you, including one I rely on and do every Sunday evening as a key part of my tarot practice.
I am once again deviating from the Tarot For Self Care by Minerva Siegel, but I realised this might be too narrow a scope for my blog so I’m happy to branch out into great 3 card spreads for you to try.
Great 3 Card Spreads Number 1 – Week Ahead Spread
This is the spread I do at the start of every week and it comes from @owlandbonestarot on Instagram. It’s simple but it’s surprisingly powerful and gives great advice which is why I love it. When I did this spread last week I used the Cozy Witch Tarot by Amanda Lovelace and Janaina Medeiros. I absolutely loved how the spread looked on my desk so I’m going to use it again this week.
One reason why this spread is one of my great 3 card spreads is because not only is it an easy spread to do, but it’s also easy advice to follow. You will find one thing to stop doing, one thing to start and what your mantra should be for the week. Here’s how it looks:

My let rest card is the Nine of Cups, which is weird as it’s usually a good card. Nine of Cups is all about gratitude, abundance and the good things in life. I am taking this two ways. First I have been overindulging of late. I’ve been so stressed that I’ve fallen back on my old coping mechanism of comfort eating.
I’ve also been eating freezer food and takeaways because I’m so tired. It’s time to get a little more back on track. The second message is that it’s good to value all I have but not if it means I’m not making progress. Things still need to be fixed and I need to get to work. I need to get back to the gym for example!
I drew the Good Luck Charm / Wheel of Fortune for my wake up position. This is a slightly more powerful card than in a traditional tarot deck. In a traditional deck it talks about how luck is always changing and upright the card often means good luck. This card reminds me I have the power to change my fortune and I really need to remember that this week. I am powerful and I can steer my luck and my life in a new direction.
Lastly, we have my mantra card. The Two of Wands is about forward planning, thinking about your future and how to get there. One of the reasons I love this deck for this spread is because I can take my mantra straight off the card! So for this week – My decisions decide my future, nothing else!
Great 3 Card Spreads Number 2 – Confidence
Another fabulous book I’m working through this year is The Tarot Spreads Yearbook by Chelsey Pippin Mizzi. You call also find Chelsey on Instagram here. I’m working my way through the growth section of the book at the moment. Most people who meet me would be surprised that I ever struggle with confidence as I seem both confident and outgoing. There’s a lot of trauma in my past though, bullying at school, never fitting in, being told I can be “too much” and all these things have badly dented my belief in myself.
I think a spread about building confidence is just the ticket so let’s take a look.

- Where I feel confident right now – Page of Pentacles. I feel confident in my ability to plan my future in the physical realm. I can create a budget, a shopping list or gym routine with the best of them. Planning and thinking about the future is not where I struggle. I am confident that I know how to get organise and make a plan in all of the physical realm – money, health, career, etc.
- Where I want to grow confidence – Eight of Pentacles. Although interpretations vary, the eight of pentacles is often seen as the card of mastery. I am great in the early stages, but I struggle to make it to the end and certainly in my career I lack the confidence to advance beyond a certain point. I need to realise all the trauma I have coped with has made me a strong person. I am intelligent and I am organised, if I set my mind to it I can advance and master a great many roles or activities.
- An affirmation that can build my confidence – Five of Cups. However much milk is spilled, I will clean it up and carry on.
Great 3 Card Spreads Number 3 – Intentions
Now that I have established where my confidence is rock solid and where it needs work, I need to actually set some intentions. I never know quite where to start, but happily Chelsey has a spread for this too! Here is is and wow! It’s all court cards. This can mean a lot of different things. There could be people in my life or entering it soon who can help me, it may mean I let others sway me too much, it can also mean big change is coming in the suit the courts relate to. Let’s try and figure out what’s going on here.

- How I Intend To Grow This Season – Knight of Pentacles. I am going to do the work. Without a plan intentions are just dreams. I will keep revisiting my intentions towards, exercise, my marriage and my spirituality and intend to establish a solid foundation to progress.
- A Misbelief I Intend To Release As I Grow – Knight of Wands Reversed. I need to release the belief that there is a right time to grow or take a risk,. That I need to do x, y, or z first. That I haven’t planned fully. I just need to start. I feel like I need to go back to my confidence spread and remind myself that I got this!
- How I Intend To Nurture Myself While I Grow – King of Cups. I will spend time processing and learning to control my emotions. They give me power but can also throw me off course. I need to master them rather than them mastering me. My therapy will help with this when it arrives.
Over To You
Ok so now that you’ve seen my great 3 card spreads how do you feel? Would you like to give them a go yourself? If so, please feel free to pop your reading in the comments section. If you feel my interpretations are not what you get then great, tell me your thoughts! I look forward to posting my next spread on Wednesday, take care til then xx