Thistledown Oracle – Or Why I 100% Have The Best Husband
Hi Musers, I hope your week is going well. I’m enjoying my time off and a chance to recharge a little. I’ve been candid that Mike and I have been going through a hard time lately and I’ve been struggling. Because Mike hasn’t been at work for a while, money is a little tight. That’s why it was so lovely when he surprised me with the Thistledown Oracle by Three Trees Tarot today.
It turns out he had a little money saved up and he used it to get me this wonderful gift. He was worried as he knew that of he had offered to buy it for me I would have thanked him but told him we should put any spare money towards living expenses. This is very true but I refuse to feel bad, or make Mike feel bad for such a thoughtful gift.
Values and Priorities
One important thing we should all bear in mind is that there are more important things than money. I know that sounds like a thing people who have money would say! However, I did grow up really poor. Not food bank or life on the streets poor, but money was a constant worry. I once walked round with holes in my shoes in the snow for weeks because I didn’t want to tell my mother I needed new ones.
I know that parents should try to shield these worries from their children but my mother and stepfather never did. We heard all about all their worries and problems frequently, to the point that we adopted them as ours. It wasn’t an easy or a fun way to grow up.
I am happy to say Mike and I are now comfortable. We pay our bills each month and can afford takeaways or to buy something nice from time to time. Money is pretty tight at the moment, but I hope this will be temporary and Mike will be able to return to work soon. It’ll take a while to get fully back on an even keel but I’ll make sure the bills are paid.
My Gift
One of the lovely things about Mike is that he does like to surprise me with gifts. He bought me another deck by Three Tree Tarot not long after I properly got back into tarot. It was the Oak, Ash and Thorn tarot deck and it is so beautiful! You’ll see some pictures of this deck too below.
Thistledown Oracle Deck Interview
As regular readers will know, one of the first things I do when I get a new deck is do an interview spread to get to know it. If you want to see a tarot interview spread check out my interview of the Ink Witch Tarot. I normally cleanse the deck first but I was so excited I forgot and went straight to interview! I was interested in how this would go, as I’m more used to tarot. Tarot has clearly defined meaning so just having one keyword for each card would be more of a challenge.
Happily it worked out great and here’s what I got.

- How would you describe yourself? Protection. You are the stag, moving majestically and powerfully through the forest. You use your antlers to defend those you love and also allow your bird friends to perch there. In many tarot decks The Emperor card is represented by a stag. I strong leader who sets boundaries. You’ll tell me how to protect myself and keep myself safe. You’ll also help me set boundaries to protect my energy and mental health.
- How do you see me? Shelter. I’m someone who has experienced a lot of storms and rainy days, especially lately. Let me be clear, I can still hit out, biting with venomous fangs. I am not helpless or defenceless yet. At the moment I have been under a lot of pressure and strain. My reserves are low. I need a place of safety where I can rest and recover myself.
- What types of readings do you kick ass at? Patience. You’ll tell me to cool my jets, when the time is not right. You’ll counsel me that all things come to those who wait. You represent nature and nothing speaks more clearly than nature of the unending cycles of all living things. I must cultivate patience and accept things happen in their own time.
- What types of readings are you not so hot? Serenity. When I’m in an anxious or overexcited state you won’t always be able to calm to me. You might do better speaking to me before it gets to this state or after I calm down. Your readings may not be clear if my mood is not calm when I come to you.
- How do you see our relationship going? Light. You will help me see the light, even in the blackest night. The darkest parts of my soul. Together we will move towards the light and hopefully towards our highest good. I see nothing but hope for our relationship going forward.
One element of cartomancy that I haven’t discussed so far is deck pairings. Many tarot readers combine both a tarot and oracle deck, or even more than one, in a reading.
There are as many ways to do this are there are decks, here are just a few:
- Pull an oracle card at the start to give the energy and focus of the reading
- Pull an oracle card at the end to close out the reading
- Pull a tarot card in the centre then two oracles to the left to show what much be left behind and two to the right to show what should be embraced
- Pull an oracle card as a clarifier for any tarot card that doesn’t give a clear or complete message
I am lucky, as I said above Mike has already bought me the Oak, Ash and Thorn Tarot which was created by the same author and artist. Obviously it was going to look completely beautiful next to the Thistledown Oracle. Here are a few photos so you can admire it with me. The photos are mine and the artwork is of course courtesy of Three Trees Tarot.

Oak, Ash and Thorn is gorgeous, but I was delighted that I also had another deck that might pair beautifully with Thistledown Oracle too. I am a member of Lisa Papez’s unicorn fam, and as part of my membership we do a regular deck study that lasts two months. For April-May 2024 we are studying the Witch Sister Tarot by Julia Jeffrey. It’s a lovely deck, full of Scottish witchcraft and folklore.
It was sitting on my coffee table waiting for me to begin reading the guidebook and when I saw it a lightbulb pinged above my head! Maybe it would work with the Thistledown Oracle?! Let me tell you, it really did Take a look at how incredible these decks look together.

I’ve Got Some Study To Do
See you next time folks, I’m going to enjoy my final four days off and start working with my lovely new decks. If you have any thoughts or comments please feel free to let me know. Take care and I’ll be back soon.