pink stone on a person s hand
Deck Interviews / Tarot

Tarot Tube’s No 1 Deck – Will I Love This Might Hurt?

Anyone who spends a lot of time of YouTube will notice certain tarot decks are universally popular, everyone seems to love them. I’ll be honest, most of them I just don’t get. I have never vibed with the art style of Terra Volatile or the Bohemian Gothic. People adore MJ Cullinane but collage decks just don’t do it for me. Most inexplicable of all, people love the Deviant Moon tarot which does nothing but creep me the f*ck out!

In the mass-market sphere everyone has the Light Seer’s tarot. I liked it but ended up going for the Unfolding Path which is similar. So I seem to buck the trend in general. BUT, and it’s a big but, if I was going to choose a number one deck that everyone loves it would be the This Might Hurt tarot. One of my favourite TarotTubers, Lisa Papez, has around 300 decks and she has stated if she was only allowed to keep one then This Might Hurt would be it. High praise indeed! I’ve heard others make similar claims.

My Thoughts On This Might Hurt

Now unlike some of the other decks, I have never disliked This Might Hurt. I thought it was fine, but didn’t get why everyone went so crazy over it. The majority of cards are RWS clones just with slightly updated imagery. There were some cards I really liked and some I definitely didn’t so I assumed I just wouldn’t get it.

However, Liminal 11 are wily! They always seem to get their sales at the forefront of my Instagram feed and the deals they have always tempt me. Recently they were selling limited edition sets at a massive 50% off! Yes, of course This Might Hurt was included. I admit there’s a fair bit of swag in there too. It comes with the deck with beautiful holographic gilding, the This Might Help oracle, a reading cloth in stunning turquoise and silver and a mini journal to be used for reading. It’s all stored in a very pretty collectors box.

Normally this version costs £80 which I don’t think is that bad for everything you get. However at 50% it was being sold at £40.01 (no I have no idea where the penny came from). So, as I have an almost magpie level love of shiny things I caved and bought it with my birthday money. It really is so pretty isn’t it?

Time For An Interview

Naturally I cleansed and charged it under the full moon. June’s strawberry moon arrived the day after the deck did so I let my new This Might Hurt tarot and my Cosmic Cycles tarot (you’ll see that soon) moon bathe all night. Now it’s time to do a deck interview and while I’m not expecting it to be as love and light as the interview for the Adventure Tarot I am very interested to see what comes out.

Just a quick reminder, here’s the spread I created:

Spread and image courtesy of author

I shuffle thoroughly for each card and choose the card that sticks out. Here’s what emerged out of the This Might Hurt Tarot.

This might hurt tarot deck interview
Image courtesy of author

How Would You Describe Yourself – The Lovers. You may be a loving companion to me but you are also all about choices and often illuminating them for me.

How Do You See Me? – Nine of Cups. Happiness is something I really struggle with so it’s encouraging that the deck sees happiness and gratitude inside of me. I hope this marks a turning point in my life as I continue with therapy and try to find new hobbies and passions.

What Kind Of Readings Do You Kick Ass At? – Three of Swords. You’re going to help me process my pain and negative emotions, of which there are a lot so while it’s a scary card it’s a good thing.

What Types Of Readings Are You Not So Hot? – The High Priestess. You aren’t about looking behind the veil and exploring the deep inner mysteries.

Where Do You See Our Relationship Going? – The Hanged Man. If we work together you can help me see things from a new perspective and sometimes surrender to circumstances that I cannot control. Sometimes going with the flow and accepting events with grace is the best way.

So, I think we can work closely and do some solid work and that’s pretty encouraging. What do you think? Do you like This Might Hurt or are you immune to its charms? Let me know in the comments.

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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