Tarot Body Check In – A Simple 3 Card Spread
Hi Musers, welcome back! Today I’ve taken a spread from Tarot For Self Care that allows me to do a tarot body check in. Last time we discussed how difficult my life has been lately. Sadly, things have yet to improve and honestly I feel like crap. I’m not sleeping well, not exercising, and I’m living on junk food. I feel an anxious knot in my stomach most of the time and I’m also working a full time and part time job. If I were a car, my check engine light would be flashing.
This Or That?
The spread I am going to use is a very common three card spread – Option A, Option B, Advice. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how down and exhausted I am, I need to start looking after myself properly. I am incredibly stressed and as much as meditation, mindfulness, hot tea, and warm bath are relaxing, the number 1 piece of advice to release stress is exercise.
Needless to say, this is an extremely unappealing prospect. I am exhausted and could not be less motivated! My question is whether I will actually feel better for hitting the gym or going for a walk or if my body needs rest. Would I feel better if I have a relaxing bath and an early night?
So, I plan to do my tarot body check in by drawing three cards as directed by Minerva Siegel in the book. The first card will be what the energy is around option A, exercise of some sort. The second card is the energy around option B, a bath and an early night. The third and final card will give me advice to make a decision.
Why This Spread For My Tarot Body Check In?
The great thing about this spread is that it can be used in almost any situation where there is a choice to be made between two possibilities. For the body it could be any of these:
Have a salad and grilled chicken for lunch / Go to McDonald’s / Advice
Have a fun cardio workout / Chill out in a yoga workout / Advice
Hug a loved one to help with stress / Meditate / Advice
Go swimming / Have a massage / Advice
My Deck Choice
I’ve only been reading tarot for a year or so and when I started I was naive enough to believe that all decks were the same. They are not! I don’t personify my decks as some do but I have a strong pull towards or push away from a deck when I consider my spread. For example, for my air element spread in a recent post I felt strongly that of all my decks, the Witchling Academy tarot was the right one to use.
I can’t speak for others, but in my case I find if I use the wrong deck my reading is more confusing and less useful. So, the million dollar question is which one should I choose? Weirdly, I am going to use my Buffy The Vampire Slayer deck. Yes, it’s the wrong time of year, but honestly it’s my most empowering deck and always reminds me that I’m a badass and I got this!
The Spread
Siegel did not specify how to spread should be laid out so this is what I have chosen:

Option A – Exercise. The Knight of Chalices (Cups). This is a rather enigmatic answer as it’s all about romance and following your heart. Three interpretations occur to me:
- Follow my heart, does exercising feel like the right thing?
- Exercise is good for my heart, do it!
- It’s Valentines Day so as it’s been horrible for me and my husband lately, the best thing I can do for my body is snuggle with him.
Option B – Bath and an early night. The Lovers. Ha! These cards are all about love today! Maybe my cards are telling me off for ignoring romance today of all days. The Lovers also recommends committing to a choice so it could be that it’s ok to commit to this choice.
Advice – The World. This card represents the successful completion of a cycle, a job well done.
Not the clearest reading I’ve ever had but here is my take. When it comes to exercise I need to follow my heart, as important as exercise is, is it what I want to spend the night doing? It will also involve leaving the love of my life alone on Valentine’s Day (which we don’t celebrate, but still) and when he’s going through an awful time.
The bath option is a possibility but I still feel The Lovers is pushing me towards Mike and spending time with him. We have spent a ton of time together of late but maybe it needs to be mindful, deliberate, committed time rather than slumping in front of the tv. Sadly the bath isn’t big enough for us to have one together!
Advice is that Mike and I have a very successful marriage and maybe celebrating that is more important than other concerns today. So that’s the plan! I am going to enjoy quality time with my husband even though that option wasn’t even on the table. It’s one of the things I love about tarot, how it can flip the script on you with no warning.