Roe vs Wade Is Gone and I’m Heartbroken
I’m writing to you from my heart today, and that heart is broken. I sit here in shocked disbelief that a first-world country that styles itself as the leader of the free world could take such a massive step backwards for human rights. I am, of course, talking about Roe vs Wade being repealed, and the despicable legislation already in place across multiple states means women will have to travel hundreds of miles to access abortion services.
I honestly thought I might cry if this awful day ever happened but I haven’t. I’m so angry and upset and worried for all the women and children who will fall victim to this terrible injustice that I’ve reached a place beyond tears. This unforgiveable change will mean:
- Approximately 36 million women in America will be denied access to an abortion in their state
- A significant portion of these women will lak the means to travel to another state and so will carry their pregnancy to term
- Many women will try to manage abortions themselves using medication. This is a relatively safe procedure but should still be carried out under medical supervision. If the whole lining does not detach it can lead to infections, sepsis and in extreme cases, death
- There will be a rise in back alley abortions which puts the life of every woman who undergoes one at risk
- Although the majority of women who are denied abortion keep their child some extra children will still be surrendered to the foster system
- Those children that are kept are more likely to grow up in poverty
- For those forced to carry an unwanted child to term there will be a big impact on the mother’s mental health

Why All Women Should Have To An Abortion
Because it should be a basic human right. Body autonomy should be the absolute minimum a woman can expect. I can almost guarantee if a man could get pregnant then abortion rights would be written in stone. It’s when women are involved that men think they know better. They don’t.
Other Very Good Reasons All Women Should Have Access To An Abortion
Many states have banned ALL abortions. This includes:
- Victims of incest
- Victims of rape
- Women whose partner may have left them or died
- Women whose pregnancies are not even viable including ectopic pregnancies
- Women who have severe mental health issues and can barely care for themselves, let alone a child
What About The Children?
There are already a huge number of children in the foster care system in America, on any given day around 424,000. The statistics show that they are likely to experience physical and sexual abuse, not hit the same milestones as children not in foster care, and have a poorer quality of life generally.
All those people dancing in the street following the supreme court’s ruling don;;t seem to give a flying f*ck about them. They ONLY care that all children are carried to term. This is morally indefensible and every single person who fought for this should hang their head in shame.
Please Don’t Let This Stand
Roe vs Wade is gone, there is nothing we can do to bring it back. When we need now is for a woman’s right to an abortion to be guaranteed by the legislature. They need to step up and write laws that are fit for purpose and protect every woman in America. My thoughts and hopes are with you all my sisters xxx