hi haters scrabble tiles on white surface
Body Liberation

Are There Good Reasons Society Hates Fat People?

I appreciate that this is quite a stark question. Are there good reasons society hate fat people? It might sound harsh like I’m overstating the case.

The Following Are Not Reasons Society Hates Fat People

 You might be inclined to say society doesn’t hate fat people; they just want to help them. Sadly, this is not true. If you want to help somebody, you offer helpful advice and constructive suggestions. Some people do this, and it can be highly annoying, but that’s a separate issue. At least it appears to come from a good-hearted place, though.

However, the venom, vitriol and outright abuse directed towards fat people could never come from a place of wanting to help. Contrary to songs and favourite sayings, there is no such thing as being cruel to be kind. If you want to be kind to someone, you will not be cruel; it really is that simple. 

Lie Number 2

I’ve also heard people argue that they direct negative feelings towards fat people because of their drain on society, for example, the cost of treating fat-related illnesses. I think there might be an element of truth to this, but a few things to bear in mind. Firstly many things place an avoidable drain on things our taxes pay for. For example, I’ve never seen anybody ranting about thrillseekers who go on dangerous expeditions. What about the cost of rescuing people from the top of mountains or searching caves for days for them? 

Here in the north of England, there is a place named Lindisfarne, or Holy Island. It’s linked to the mainland via a causeway that floods and is only accessible at certain times each day. Despite the safe crossing times being published at both ends of the causeway, online and broadcast on the radio, the Coast Guard still has to spend time and money regularly rescuing cars who get stranded because they make the crossing at the wrong time. 

People shake their heads and say that that was a stupid thing to do, but they don’t hate these people for their actions. Why not? The problem is 100% of their own making and costs us taxpayer money. Where is the wrath then? Hint, because the “it costs us money” reason society hates fat people is a lie. I’ve explained what I think are not genuine reasons society hates fate people, so what are the reasons?

Reasons society hates fat people
Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels.com

It’s Socially Conditioned

I think it’s pretty clear that a lot of bias and bigotry still exists if you read the comments section of almost any website. It’s extremely sad and something that should and must be stamped out. However, although it is no longer acceptable to preach hatred of others depending on their race, religion, sexuality, or gender, it is almost encouraged to spread hate and negative publicity around fat people.

Seriously, everywhere you look, fat people are made fun of, excluded, berated, judged and pitied. It’s not ok. Healthcare systems say they’re worried about people’s health, diet companies want to make you the best you so you can live a happy life, and governments fret about the cost of healthcare. Even though fat people pay taxes, they’re supposed to feel guilty at using the healthcare they paid for while billionaires and massive corporations get away with paying next to nothing. That’s ignored, though. The sad fact is fat people are everyone’s favourite scapegoat.

It’s Socially Acceptable

This is a two-pronged argument. Firstly, as sad as it is, we humans seem to have a deep well of nastiness at our core. We seem to love to judge people and feel better than them. You only have to read the internet for that. Not just trolls either, I’m talking comments on the BBC, for goodness sake! As I explained above, being racist and homophobic etc. isn’t seen as ok anymore. Fat bashing still is so these people feel they can spew as much hatred as they like, and it’s ok. That is one of the saddest reasons society hates fat people. Why is it ok to hate someone who has never done anything to you?

Secondly, I read this article by Mia Hayes. She describes a profoundly unpleasant woman being a complete cow to a worker at a coffee shop. It’s awful, but politeness seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. It is now socially acceptable to scream and be abusive to people just trying to earn a living, often for pretty low wages. What was the crime of this worker? Too much ice in the woman’s frappe. #Firstworldproblems. When did it become ok to act like a spoiled, petulant child and scream at someone over something so trivial? Why do these people think they’re so important and special? Whatever the reason is, it’s partly why people feel they can abuse fat people too.

a person holding a sign of phobia
Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

They Fear Us

Well, not us per se; they fear becoming like us. So many people, even young children, believe becoming fat is the worst thing that could ever happen to them. I think that given a choice of being fat or getting cancer, there are people out there who would choose cancer. How f*cked up is that? 

They Resent Us

Not all of us. People like me who have decided to give up dieting and live a happy life as I am. Yes, depression notwithstanding, am happy. I am not lying to others, lying to myself, delusional, etc. I am genuinely happy to live in the body I have, and with my brightly coloured hair, pretty clothes and big smile, I think I look freaking awesome. Anyone who wants to come on here and tell me I don’t, please jog on. I do not care what you think, so slink back to your hole. Your opinion is irrelevant to me. I am happy as I am, and nothing anyone says is going to change that.

This attitude really pisses people off. Society’s perception of fat people is that they are ok and can be treated well only if they are clearly trying to lose weight. If they dare to drop out, and even worse, BE HAPPY, well, that is just not gonna fly! After all, they think, I’m killing myself at the gym and saying no to cake, and I’m half the size that woman is! How dare she eat the cake and feel no shame! How dare she feel happy? It sounds ludicrous, but it happens. I think this is one of the biggest reasons society hates fat people.

Be Kind

That was a lot to get off my chest, but I feel it needed to be said! Now I’ve explained what I think are the reasons society hates fat people, I have a couple of small points left to make. Firstly, the title of this post is Are There Good Reasons Society Hates Fat People? I think nothing I have talked about here constitutes a good reason, so I’m going to say no. There are no good reasons society hates fat people.

Now that you realise that, I’d like to make a request. Try and be a nicer human to everyone, including fat people!

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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