
Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes – 3 Cards Give 3 New Insights?

Hi all, I have finally introduced you to my new decks so we’re back to work on self-improvement and healing. This is my journey, but I’m always delighted to have others along for the ride 😃 I have returned to the spreads book by Shannon Knight at The Tarot Diagnosis and I decided I wanted more than my usual 2-card draws I’ve written about in the past. So today I picked a 3-card spread titled Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes.

I don’t particularly enjoy change but I know it’s necessary, especially now. I am finally in therapy and trying to deal with all the trauma and other crap from my past so making changes is an integral part of the process. The thing that I love about tarot is it can cast a very bright spotlight on your blind spots. It may not be a comfortable or fun experience, but sometimes you need someone to metaphorically slap you in the face with the truth!

I actually got The Blind Spot Oracle as a birthday gift to do this very thing. It’s specifically designed to show you what you’re missing, or often, carefully avoiding looking at. However I think I’m going to need to devote a good bit of time and read the guidebook very thoroughly so I haven’t started working with it yet.

The Spread

The thing I love about the spreads in the book is how deceptively simple they are. I don’t spend my time puzzling about where to lay the cards or what a prompt means, it’s all very straight forward. There are still lots of spreads I want to try but this changes spread really resonated with me and I know instantly it was the one to pick for this post.

Image courtesy of the Spreads book by Shannon Knight

The Deck

Of all my new decks, I have been doing daily draws with the Cosmic Cycles Tarot and the Adventure Tarot. I can honestly say in truly love them both just in different ways. I still haven’t bonded with the This Might Hurt tarot and so I decided I would use it for this spread. As I said in my deck interview, everyone raves about it and it is pretty so I want to give it a fair try.

Photo courtesy of author

I haven’t found a way to use the This Might Help mini oracle yet but that’s something to think about on another day.

My Reading

My process is that I shuffle as I think about the question from that card. I thought good and hard about the changes I need to make and here are the cards I pulled.

Nothing changes if nothing changes spread
Photo courtesy of author. This Might Hurt Tarot

A Thought To Change – Ace of Pentacles. I need to stop being afraid of taking chances. I do have ideas sometimes, things I’d like to try or do but I am SO afraid of messing up. I think this fear relates to two different things. First, a lot of my personality is built around what I achieve and I feel absolutely useless when I screw something up, even when it’s not my fault.

Secondly, I realised recently I am afraid of people being angry with me. That probably harks back to all the screaming matches between my mum and stepdad when I was little, and later his rages where he’d scream at us for hours. I hate people being angry with me so I never want to mess up.

A Behaviour To Change – Two of Cups. One of my biggest weaknesses is that I put everyone else before myself. This is especially true when it comes to my husband Mike. He needs a fair bit of support, especially since his ADHD diagnosis. So n this image the lovers are filling each others cups. I am so busy filling his cup and making sure he’s ok that he doesn’t get a chance to to do the same for me. I need to stop this and allow him to look after me.

Possible Outcomes – Nine of Pentacles. Yay, Mike and I get to live the good life. We may not be millionaires but we’ll be stable financially and enjoy the fruits of all our hard work. I think it doesn’t get much better than that! Now I just need to listen to the advice, make the changes and have faith that it will all work out.


I hope you enjoyed my changes spread and who knows? It might just get you thinking about changes you might need to make in your own life. If you have any thoughts or if you try this spread yourself please feel free to drop it in the comments. Take care xx

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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