Deck Interviews / Tarot

New Deck Interview No 3 – The Cosmic Cycles Tarot

Ok, I know I promised that while I would be starting to focus on tarot, I would also still be looking at it from a self-care perspective. I promise the next post will be heading back that way but I can’t apologise for being excited about the beautiful decks I got for my birthday. They genuinely make me really happy and isn’t that what this blog is about? So, without further ado let’s talk about my last (for now) new deck interview.

P.S. The Seasons of the Witch Lammas oracle is due to be delivered later this month so watch this space 😜

The Deck

My getting this deck was actually a happy little accident (as the legend Bob Ross would say). My sister Jayne and I were looking for a tarot video to watch together on YouTube and we stumbled upon a Kiwi creator neither of us had watched before. I have tried to find her again and because I can’t remember the name now it’s been impossible. I promise if I have a flash of inspiration I’ll come back and link to her channel here.

Anyway, this was a favourite or most used decks video and one of those decks was the Cosmic Cycles tarot. Jayne and I were surprised because although we’re new to tarot, we’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos and seen a lot of decks. Not this one though. I was drawn in immediately. I loved the artwork, the way different themes were represented and the colours used.

Initially I assumed that because it was on a channel from New Zealand and I had never seen it before that it must come from there. If it had been a New Zealand deck then there would be almost no way I could get it. Anyone who has had a tarot deck shipped from the USA or Canada to Europe knows that it is insanely expensive. Shipping to and from Australia/New Zealand is even worse. It will literally be as much or more than the deck itself costs.


I’m sure you can imagine my surprise and delight when I looked it up and discovered it actually ships from Spain! So, when my parents very kindly gave me money for my birthday this deck was my no.1 pick. It arrived in about a week and when it arrived I loved it immediately.

New Deck Interview Spread

Image and spread courtesy of author

I was excited to see what this new deck interview would say, just as I am before every spread I do. I am always particularly excited to make a connection with a new deck, hoping that we will forge a solid relationship. If that language seems strange, I can assure you that is how I see it. I have a unique relationship with every deck in my collection and a lot of my crystals too. They all have their own essence or feeling.

The Spread

So, I took a deep, cleansing breath and began to shuffle my deck. I shuffle for each card, thinking of what I want to know as I do. Here are the cards that emerged. Isn’t this deck gorgeous?

New deck interview 5 cards in a cross layout
Photo courtesy of author

My first thought was three major arcana cards, big themes in this deck. I also notice there are no wands or cups so this deck may not have as much to say about inspiration, getting things started or emotions. Here are my interpretations.

  1. How would you describe yourself? Death. You are the type of deck that with be with me through all of my necessary transformations and if I haven’t accepted my new situation you’ll probably give me a nudge. On a good day you might be there for hair advice too 😜 the keywords for you is rebirth and renewal.
  2. How do you see me? – Wheel of Fortune. You see me as someone in a period of transition. One cycle is over and a new one is about to begin. As you are all about the natural cycle of death and rebirth this is pretty perfect. I’ve been through a lot recently so I am definitely ready for my luck to change and a new situation to arrive. Let’s just hope it’s a good change!
  3. What types of readings do you kick ass at? Ace of Pentacles. If I have questions about how to begin something, especially on the material plane, you’re the one I should turn to. If I need encouragement to get started then you’ll give it. You’ll remind me that the longest or most challenging of paths or projects start with the taking the first step.
  4. What types of readings are you not so hot? Six of Swords. You can help me a ton with transitions but you may not be great at telling me when it’s time to go. It’s possible another deck will tell me “you’re done, let’s go!” regardless of how painful that message is. Once its said then you’ll help me move into the next part.
  5. How do you see our relationship going? Temperance. Together we will work to find balance. There needs to be balance for me, in my life but there also needs to be a perfect balance between the two of us, our skills and personalities. We each have something to bring to our relationship and neither one of us should overpower the other.

Bye For Now

Ok, that was new deck interview number 3 and I hope you enjoyed my interpretations and looking at this beautiful new deck with me. If you missed any of the others you can check them all out here. If you have any comments, or if you’ve used this deck please let me know, I love to hear from my readers. Please take care til next time xx

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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