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Body Liberation

Loving Yourself As A Fat Person Part 2

Welcome to loving yourself as a fat person, part 2. if you haven’t read part 1 yet, you can check it out here. Done? Great! As I explained in the first part, these two posts are me doing my bit to combat the insidious and very harmful diet talk that floods social media every January. Let me tell you right here and now that everything these companies are peddling is lies to pad their bottom line. You are beautiful, you are worthy of everything you want, and you are enough.

So, that’s said, let’s get started with the last five steps to loving yourself as a fat person.

6) Do Things That Make Your Body Feel Amazing

One way to shift how you feel about your body is to take time to appreciate how fantastic it can feel being in it. Only you know what would make you feel good, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Hug a loved one
  • Eat something you love, like really good chocolate
  • Get a massage
  • Take a nap
  • Have sex
  • Help someone else

Literally anything that gets the positive feelings flowing.

7) Practice Kindness Towards Yourself

How you do this is up to you. For example, you could write down the things you like best about yourself and place them on post-its where you’ll see them every day. Or you could repeat a positive mantra to yourself morning, night and whenever you feel insecure. Look in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you were. Do it in the same way you would if a friend was feeling down about themselves.

8) Wear Bright Colours

A vital part of loving yourself as a fat person is rejecting the lies you’ve been fed your whole life. The big one for me? “You should wear black it’s so slimming.” So I spent the majority of my life from 19 to 38 perpetually looking like I was going to a funeral. 

Now I wear all the colours of the rainbow! My hair is pink and purple. My favourite tops are red, green and one covered in colourful butterflies. I have snag tights in over twenty different colours. If you’ve never heard of them, you need to check them out.

You are allowed to wear bright colours, and once you embrace this fact, you’ll rock them and feel amazing. 

P.S. That’s not to say you can never wear black again. I still love wearing black, but it’s my choice, not an obligation.

The author in different colours of tights colours help when loving yourself as a fat person
See how awesome colours are? Photo courtesy of author

9) Wear Whatever The Hell You Want

This is similar to the last point, but I felt it warranted its own section. Once you allow yourself to wear bright colours and be unashamedly seen, the next step is dumping all the other fashion “rules.” You are permitted to wear…

  • Stripes
  • Bodycon dresses
  • Lycra
  • Crop Tops
  • A bikini
  • Mini skirts
  • ANYTHING else you want

It does not matter if other people hate it. If you love it and feel powerful, sexy and gorgeous, then wear it without the tiniest bit of shame. It’s fine if you only have the confidence to wear it at home at first. We can’t all go from 0-60 in 3 seconds where self-confidence is concerned. Start by wearing your new clothes at home, then maybe at your best friend’s house and work up to strutting the streets loud and proud.

10) Get Into Nature

This might sound odd on a list of ways to start loving yourself as a fat person but stay with me. Firstly, spending time in nature lowers stress levels and makes you feel more peaceful. A great place to start when learning to love yourself.

The main idea, though, is comparison. Feel like your hips are huge? The average circumference of an oak tree is five metres! You’re teeny compared to that, arent you? Do you feel way too heavy? A blue whale weighs between 130,000 and 150,000kg. So, if you’re twenty-five stone, that’s 158.7 kg. Stand next to a huge mountain, tree, or cliff and realise how small you are by comparison.

You’re Awesome!

If you take nothing else away from this article, let it be this. You are awesome exactly as you are, so please do not let anyone make you feel otherwise. Start working now on loving yourself as a fat person and taking back your power. It’s not easy, but nothing worthwhile is. I’m going to end with a famous quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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