It’s A Wonderful Life and the life lessons it can teach us
Hi Musers, Merry Christmas! I’m back from my depression-induced hiatus. I can’t say I’m magically better but I’m feeling substantially better than I did on Sunday. I could have started writing a few days ago but I was exhausted. I’ve been burning the candle at both ends a little. I’ve had a full-time job, this blog, starting my writing career and trying to take a little exercise. I felt like only a total rest over Christmas would save me. I feel much better now
This is going to be my fact of the day even though the rest of the life lessons will be gleaned from the cinematic gem that is It’s A Wonderful Life. My fact/experience is that when you have a terrible, rock bottom day you almost always feel better the next day. Not happy. Not “cured”. Just better. Even by half a per cent. A good rest will speed the healing even more. This leads us on to:
Life Lesson 1
If you’re feeling like you might have reached the end of the road please wait till the next day. I get it. Life can feel bleak. Hopeless. You can feel like you’re living in constant blackness. I understand feeling like there’s no way out. No way to be happy. You feel like you’ve done everything. Tried everything. Nothing changes. If that’s true might as well check out, right?
Please just give yourself until the next day. Especially if it’s night time because things always feel worse at night. Wait till daylight arrives and see how you feel. Try to sleep until then. It is amazing how much better you can feel after some quality sleep. I really hope you’ll feel better. That you’ll have improved enough to feel like there might be a sliver of hope after all.
Life Lesson 2
No problem is beyond solving. When George Bailey is considering suicide he feels like the lost money from the savings and loan means the end of everything. He’ll go to jail, lose his business and probably his family. He thinks of his life insurance as the only solution. That he’s worth more dead than alive.
I’m not saying you have similar problems or that it will be magically fixed in the end like in the film. Sadly life’s not like that. What I am saying is that there’s a solution to every problem. It may not be a good solution, it may well be bloody awful, but you will get through it. No problem is unsolvable and if you give yourself time and space you’ll find a way.
Life Lesson 3
You’ll never know the effect you have on other people’s lives. If you think you have no impact on those around you then you’re wrong. You just don’t realise how big the little things can be:
- You lent a friend who was short on cash £20 til payday. You barely thought about it but for them, it paid their bus fare to work or gave them money to buy food.
- I’m someone who tends to chat with other passengers on public transport. It’s just a way of passing the time to me but for them, it may be the only conversation they have that day.
- Perhaps you’ve smiled at or said something encouraging to a colleague at work when they’re giving a presentation or grappling with an important project. Again you don’t think much about it but it’s the boost they needed to complete it and do well.
- It may even be as small as smiling at someone and holding open the door for them. Sometimes the world can seem a very dark place. It’s full of selfishness and feels like everyone is out for what they can get. By being polite and friendly you might help restore someone’s faith just a little.
Life Lesson 4
Rely on your friends. George may never have felt so desperate if he’d told someone about his problem besides the evil Mr Potter. Once he came home, realising his effect on the lives of others, he was ready to face jail. To his surprise, joy, and gratitude his wife Mary had called everyone George has helped throughout his life. They came out in droves and replaced all the lost money, saving the day.
When things get tough don’t be afraid to reach out. Your true friends will always be there for you. Whether you need advice, a hug, or even a place to stay in an emergency. I will always be there for my friends. I’m even happy to be there for you if you need to talk. Contact me here.
That’s it, my Musers. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and got to have a rest and spend time with loved ones. I’ll be back on Thursday with my New Year’s Eve post. Til then enjoy the rest of the festive period.
Love CMoo xx