
Why can’t people just be less shit?

Why am I starting this blog?

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! Many thanks for stopping by, I know there are a lot of blogs out there. I know the name of this article might be a little stark but I promise you it will not be all doom, gloom and ranting. I intend my blog to be a positive space. I’ll be dipping into body positivity, mental health, cooking/baking, nutrition, self care and my pets! You’ll probably be hearing a lot about them! This blog is a big deal for me, as I’m sure it is for many bloggers. Will anyone read it? Will I have enough to say? Will I be happy/proud of its content and the quality of my writing.? After a lot of thought though I decided I had to take the plunge. I have gone through struggles in my life with my health, mental health and feelings about my body. Also my interactions with others and their impact on me. If writing about it helps even one person it will be worth it. More than that though I felt it could be an online journal helping me figure things out.

Why am I asking this question?

Ok that said I want to start this, my first blog post, with a confession….ready? Here goes…I didn’t come up with the title! Shocking right? The title is in fact courtesy of my sister who has asked me this question on more than one occasion. It was usually asked in tones of frustration, irritation and often sadness. It came on the heels of her trying to live her life as a thoughtful, kind considerate person and getting the shit end of the stick a lot. We then see people who are the complete opposite and often behave like assholes doing this guilt free and happily with no thought to how their behaviour affects others. Doesn’t seem fair right? Especially as being a good person generally takes a lot more effort, physically and emotionally!

A Few Examples

A few examples from my own life are from my former workplace where I was in telephone support. It would be 5 minutes to the end of my shift and I’d get a call from a customer who had called that morning. Their call could have been resolved then but my colleague who took the call was about to go on break or was worried about their call stats or flat out just couldn’t be arsed and fobbed them off with a “fix” that was never going to work just to get them off the line. I, as a conscientious person who actually cares about people, couldn’t just do the same thing and ended up having to stay 15….20…..40 minutes past the end of my shift. Why did I do this? Cos I just can’t be an asshole!

In another example I’ve been invited to various events where instead of bringing a present or a bottle of wine I’m issued with a request to bake Or make something. Now I am a good cook, I’m known for it, so this is perhaps not a surprise. Being told what specifically to make with no thought to how much time or money it would cost is a little unfair though! I was also usu@ally drafted in to helping serve the goodies rather than the host realise I’ve already baked and allow me to relax and enjoy the event.

Final example is being used as free technical support by people who could learn to do stuff themselves but don’t bother because I work in a vaguely technical job and they know I’m too nice to say no.

Over to you…..

So now that I’ve explained what do you all think? Am I acting as a nice person? A sucker? Both? How do you all handle situations like the ones I described? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Thank you, you’re awesome!

If you’ve made it this far thank you so much. It’s always nerve-wracking to start something like this so I really appreciate it. If you want a lovely sweet treat to soothe you and make the world feel better you can get my recipe for blondies here. If on the other hand you want to contact me or check out my Instagram the links are here


Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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