How To Reframe Negative Thoughts About Your Body
Today we’re going to talk about how to reframe negative thoughts towards your body. We’re heading into summer, and it’s the time where we both want to show a little skin to feel fine and need to so we can stay cool. Unfortunately, showing a bit more skin is the cue for all the insecurities about our bodies to come out and ambush us. That’s why I want to talk about how we can counter and reframe negative thoughts about our bodies.
Aren’t Negative Thoughts Natural?
Yes, to a point. We all have negative thoughts from time to time when we’re feeling low. The problem is when these thoughts have a substantial impact on our lives or happiness. It’s also a problem when these thoughts don’t really come from us but are imprinted on us from external sources like the media, diet industry, fashion industry, and even friends and family. As I often explain here at CMooMuses, the majority of us feel so bad about our bodies because society has a thin agenda. Everywhere you look, thinness is praised and idealised while fatness is vilified.
Think about it, at any given time, how many of the women you know are on a diet or considering starting one? How much of the time spent with your girlfriends is taken up moaning about your appearance and swapping diet tips? Do you see food as food anymore, or is it all categorised as “good” or “bad, “healthy” or “junk”? Please believe me; these thoughts are not natural. They are imposed by people who make money when you believe it.
What We Can Do
What we think and what we say has a profound impact on our state of mind as well as that of those around us. If we want to break away from and challenge the toxic weight bias that is being stuffed down our throats we need to start with ourselves. As the late, great Michael Jackson said, “I’m starting with the man in the mirror”. We need to do that too. So, what are some of the most common thoughts, and how can we change them? Here’s my list, but it’s just to get you started. If you’re anything like me, you need to check yourself all the time. Challenge the negative thoughts. Not just yours, though, the thoughts of your loved ones, friends, workmates and, especially, children.
How To Reframe Negative Thoughts
You think “I feel so fat”.
First of all, fat is not a feeling like love or hate or fear. It is a natural part of your body, and if you didn’t have any fat you would literally die!
Think/say instead, “I’m not feeling as confident about my body today but I’m going to focus on all the wonderful things it lets me do”. Or maybe, “I’m not loving the shape of my belly at the moment but I accept it’s how it is right now.
You think “This skirt/dress/top makes me took huge”.
Think/say instead, “I don’t think this flatters my shape, so I’ll put it back and find one that does”. Or “Now it’s on and I see the fit/fabric I’m not sure this would look good on anyone”.
You think “I need to lose x pounds by summer”.
Think/say instead, “I am beautiful, amazing and more than enough just as I am. Summer does not come with a weight requirement for entry”. Or “Lets say I lose this weight. What will change? Will I really feel happier or do I just think I will”?
You think “I need to work on my bikini body”.
Think/say, “I can have a bikini body any time I want by putting a bikini on my body! Now I need to find one that I feel incredible in”. Or “ I don’t feel ready to show that much skin at the moment. I’m going to find a gorgeous one piece and rock it til I do”.
You think “I can’t wear shorts, it’ll show off all the cellulite on my legs”.
Instead, think or say, “My cellulite is perfectly natural and only airbrushing has made me believe it’s not”. Or “I refuse to be too hot in full length trousers to hide a normal part of my body”.
Keep It Going
That’s my list to get you started my Musers, what do you think? Have I missed anything off? If so then add it to your list and continue to spread the word. Fat is natural. Different body sizes and shapes are natural. We are entitled to wear whatever we want to stay cool, enjoy summer, and feel fabulous. Please, please try to counter these thoughts whenever they cross your mind, and encourage others to too. We will change society one negative thought at a time