Fatphobia Isn’t Just A Few Cruel Words…Fatphobia Can Destroy Lives!
Hi Musers, today’s post will focus on the hugely negative effects fatphobia can have on our lives. I realise the heading of this post may seem a little OTT but I hope by the end you’ll see why it isn’t. Fatphobia can destroy lives, this is a fact. It can even cost people their lives and I’m going to explain why.
This topic has been on my mind a lot lately but the even that prompted me to start writing this post happened on Quora. For those of you who don’t know, Quora is a site where people ask questions and others answer them. It’s a simple enough concept. I typically answer questions in the mental health sphere as I have personal experience but other things pop up too. Here’s what I saw yesterday that stopped me dead in my tracks.

Just. Wow. If you boil this question down to its core what they’re basically asking is why less worthwhile humans should get the vaccine ahead of them. The amount of faulty reasoning is mind-blowing…
Assumption 1 – Weight is Entirely Under an Individual’s control
Weight and weight gain is a product of numerous factors – genetic, psychological, racial, cultural, economical, and even geographical. A broad, sweeping statement that obesity is due to laziness and greediness is completely untrue. Read more about the causes of obesity here.
Assumption 2 – Type 2 Diabetes is Caused by Weight Gain
Dr Lindo Bacon wrote the life changing Health At Every Size. In it she lists a number of studies showing that insulin resistance which is seen a key component in type 2 diabetes often occurs before weight gain and not in response to it. This suggests that another factor causes insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Obesity is a symptom not a cause. You can read more about this research here.
Assumption 3 – Fat People Are Worth Less Than Thin People
Even if we accept obesity and type 2 diabetes are a result of lifestyle choices it doesn’t negate the fact that both of these factors have been shown to increase Covid-19 mortality rates (Whether this is a genuine fact or a case of fat people being treated differently due to medical fatphobia is an issue for another day). If fat people are more likely to die then it makes sense they get the vaccine ahead of those in a lower risk category. To say this shouldn’t be the case because it’s self inflicted is the same as saying
“You made yourself fat due to your greediness so it doesn’t matter if you die”
Sounds pretty awful when it’s put like that doesn’t it? I can’t believe that people need to be reminded that fat people are people. They have families, jobs, they contribute to society. Many of them are kind, warm, brilliant, intelligent, and accomplished individuals. Extra fat on their bodies does not make them expendable!
How Medical Fatphobia Can Destroy Lives Or Even End Them
If you believe doctors are trained professionals who can look beyond society’s biases then I’m afraid you’re wrong. You’d imagine the hippocratic oath they took would ensure they did the very best for all their patients. Nope, not fat patients. I’m sure this bias will be unintentional in many doctors. Doctors aren’t inherent bad people. They also aren’t immune to the thin agenda that’s been pushed for so many years. They believe the simplest solution is usually the correct one. If a fat person has health problems then it’s probably caused by fat and losing weight will help.
If you find this hard to believe here are 2 of the many cases I’ve seen that led me to this opinion:

The thing that’s both terrifying and sad is that these are far from isolated incidents. I have read SO many stories like this. So please Musers if you ever feel like you’re being fobbed off insist that your doctor adds their refusal to run tests to your official records. Ask them if their treatment plan would be the same if you were a standard weight. You shouldn’t have to but until society is forced to rethink it’s fatphobic prejudices it might just save your life!
For those of you reading in the UK please don’t believe these attitudes just affect doctors across the pond. The Nursing Times published its review of a number of studies on the effect of Fatphobia on the care nurses provide to their patients. You can read the whole thing here but here’s a snippet:

If the people who’s job it is to help us think we’re “greedy”, “indulging” and “lazy” then what chance have we got of being treated impartially? Almost none.
Fatphobia In Our Careers
As well as the impact on our health fatphobia also impacts the workplace. When questioned employers admit they’re less likely to hire or promote a fat person even if they’re better qualified than their thin counterparts. Many workplaces have toilets, chairs and desks that are unsuitable and uncomfortable for fatter individuals.
Nowhere is immune either. Few people in the world missed the heartbreaking tale of Jesy from the band Little Mix. She was driven to the brink of suicide by internet trolls who relentlessly fat-shamed her. More recently she announced for the sake of her mental health she was going to quit the band. I’m sure Jesy’s success with the band was something she’d dreamed of since she was a little girl. Her joy in her success was taken from her. This makes me so sad and absolutely hopping mad!
Jesy will survive and recover but I’m sure if you asked her at the height of her harassment if fatphobia can destroy lives that she would have answered yes. No one should feel that they have to lose out on their careers or even lose their lives due to prejudice and hate.
What is your experience?
So my Musers it’s over to you. I’ve described the effects of fatphobia on me. What are your experiences of fatphobia? Do you think I’m overstating the extent of the problem or am I understating it? Do you think fatphobia can destroy lives? Let me know what you think in the comments below
Love CMoo xx