Snag tights
Body Liberation

Fat girl fashion essentials… Snag tights

Hi Musers, today I’m going to share with you some of the essentials that I couldn’t live without. Things that make my life easier as a fat girl. I’m also giving a huge shout out to a brand that lives and breathes body and fat acceptance – Snag tights. I am going to rave about them but I do not have an affiliate links or other incentives to write this post. I just think they’re a fabulous company who deserve all the recommendations they can get.

Why I love them

That’s simple, they helped me massively expand my wardrobe. For years I didn’t wear tights or dresses because tights were so uncomfortable and I couldn’t be bothered faffing around with stockings. As Snag pointed out all tights were the same size the bigger sizes were just longer. The result was the dug in, rolled down, sagged, and were generally uncomfortable. I gave up on wearing them and that meant giving up on any clothes that needed them.

And then…

One day while browsing Instagram I saw a sign that said tights didn’t fit everyone and so they fixed them. The who was Snag of course! They aren’t a plus size brand. They are an everyone brand. Tights in sizes that will fit a petite size 6 all the way up to a size 28 woman who is 6ft2! This is brilliant! Believe it or not I don’t like plus size brands. I hate going into clothes shops which are either just for fat people or the large sizes are in their own section. It feels like we’re undesirables. We’re being quarantined from the “normal” people.

Fat people are people!

We do not need special seats, special sections or special stores. We need a world that is truly inclusive for people or all sizes and abilities. I love that Snag acknowledges that and is doing their part in the fight, both with their tights and their social media posts. Snag, I salute you! You’re all awesome 🤩

Over to you Snag…

It’s always better to show why you love something rather than just talking about it. Here’s some of my favourite outfits complimented by tights in a glorious array of colours!

Basic black for with my work clothes

Raspberry Pie looks gorgeous with a pretty floral dress

My favourite colour! Queen Vic with my blue striped top 😍

Suffragette purple paired with my pinkcloudingco boobs t-shirt

The imaginatively named Octopus which looks perfect with my Stranger Things T-shirt

Gorgeous rainbow fishnets! I love pairing them with my butterfly t-shirt

Last but not least, more workwear paired with Hit The Bottle Green

What do you think? Pretty amazing aren’t they? Even though I am clearly very fat I believe I’m beautiful too. It’s a perfect pairing. If you’d like to pick up a pair of your own you can get them here

Til next time my musers, stay fabulous!

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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