Fat Acceptance Promotes Obesity. The Truth Or A Vicious Lie?
Hi Musers. As I move around the fat acceptance spaces online and in social media, I see this comment wearingly often. Like all the time. I am honestly so exhausted at having to argue against it I was tempted to write a template I can cut and paste to save time. Then it hit me…this is my space. If I can’t speak out against it here, then where can I? So before I go into all the reasons that back this up, let me answer the question. Fat acceptance promotes obesity, yes or no? NO! It is utter crap, and it makes me angry people still say it.
We Just Want To Be Seen
If an alien was planning to visit Earth and the only thing they could use to find out about humans was our media (magazines, tv shows, movies, billboards etc.), they would think all humans were thin. They’d also probably believe they’re tall and predominantly white, but that’s another issue. The fact is thinness is literally everywhere you look now. It is glorified and held up as something to aspire to. Fat bodies appear as “before” photos, if they appear at all. Fat acceptance strives to begin correcting that imbalance.
The fact is that bodies are all different shapes and sizes. They are tall, short, apple-shaped, pear-shaped, hourglass-shaped, there are big bellies and small bellies, toned arms and softer arms and oh yes, thin bodies and larger bodies! Fat acceptance and, indeed, body acceptance aims to create a space where all body types are seen and celebrated. Where we get to say, “my body is fat, and that’s ok“. A place where we’re told that being fat doesn’t make us a complete failure as human beings. That our bodies are only one small part of who we are. Asking for one small space to learn to heal the wounds caused by years of external and internalised fatphobia isn’t that big an ask, is it?
We Aren’t Asking Others To Get Fat
If the posts published by fat acceptance activists contained a call to action, asking others to become fat, I would agree that fat acceptance promotes obesity. They don’t, though! I have never seen a single post that says anything more than “I’m fat, and I’m happy as I am. I don’t want or need to lose weight.” Just like mine here in fact. Notice all the “I” in there. These people are not saying everyone should be fat. They are not saying anyone should be fat. All they are saying is that they refuse to make themselves miserable forcing their bodies to become a size they were never meant to be. They are saying they are beautiful as they are, not that they would be beautiful if they lost weight.
No one who has been thin all their lives can understand the pressure on those of us in larger bodies to conform. The message we get is that if we’re fat we’re to be pitied and looked down on. Don’t worry, though; we can still be on the “good” team as long as we’re openly doing everything we can to get that weight off. God help us if we admit we skipped a gym session or if we eat a piece of cake in public!
I’m Sorry If You Think We’re Cheating
Nothing seems to enrage society more than a fat person who refuses to play the game. Who actually dares to enjoy food and loves their body as it is. Most thin women I know spend their lives obsessing over calories, carbs, exercise minutes, pounds, ounces and inches. I think many people think, “I’m killing myself to be thin here! How dare they be fat and not even try to lose weight! They’re cheating the system and negating the value of all my hard work.” That just makes me really sad as no one should feel that way. We are all beautiful, vibrant, witty, caring, compassionate, intelligent and generally outstanding human beings. What’s on the outside should be the least exciting thing about us!
Spread The Word
To all my big bodied brothers and sisters out there, I encourage you to spread the word that all bodies are beautiful. That thin is not the only way to be. It’s possible to turn your back on toxic diet culture forever. It’s possible to love all your “flaws” (they don’t exist btw). You can look in the mirror and love the person staring back.
For all the standard size people out there, please forget the idea fat acceptance promotes obesity – it doesn’t! We are not on a mission to make everyone fat. We’re on a mission to be seen, accepted and integrated into all parts of society. Fashion shows, magazines, tv, movies, music videos, all of it!
Join Us!
What’s more, we want body liberation to touch you too. We want you to learn to love yourself exactly as you are today. For you to stop being stressed out about that last 5 pounds you think you need to lose. We want you to be happy and move because it brings you joy and genuinely love the food you eat. We want an end to the toxic message of thinness that has spread throughout our culture. The message that tells everyone they are not good enough as they are. That the next miracle diet, shake, tea or pill will fix all your problems. As someone who has tried them all and then some, please believe me, it won’t. Stop believing fat acceptance promotes obesity, that we’re cheating the system and come join us. It won’t always be easy, but for your mental health, it is worth it.