Easter blog Easter cake
Mental Health

Easter Blog – Sending You All Love

Hi Musers, today’s post is not a blog in the traditional sense. It’s going to be short, just a few reflections on the state of the world and about Easter. After all, without a mention of Easter it wouldn’t be an Easter blog.

The World

Last Easter I don’t think any of us believed we’d be where we are now. Covid 19 has been with us for over a year and at the time of writing a horrifying 2,865,198 people have died worldwide. A huge number of people have been made redundant, myself included at one point! People have had to lie alone in hospitals, knowing they could die, completely cut off from their families. The elderly and those with serious health conditions have been isolated and i’m sure it’s been dreadfully lonely for them. For anyone too young to remember WW2 it’s no doubt been the most awful time in our lives.

The thing I want you to remember, though, is we’ve made it this far! We’ve survived death, the threat of infection, lockdowns, panic buying, job losses, isolation and the loss of any structure in our lives and WE ARE STILL HERE! We’re still coping and keeping our lives together day after day. I think we all should be immensely proud of that. Anyone who says it hasn’t been rough for them is lying, everyone has been affected in some way. We’ve all fought and we’ve all done amazingly well. Please, wherever you are right now give yourself a hug or a pat on the back. You. Are. Awesome.


Normally I don’t pay much attention to Easter and certainly wouldn’t have written an Easter blog. After all, it’s no Christmas is it? At the moment though we need to cling on to every excuse to celebrate that we can find. The shops are required to be shut. Most of us either share our house with someone or are part of a bubble. I hope you’ve used this long weekend and today in particular to decompress.

I had a long lie in and in the evening I made a Sunday roast and apple crumble. Me, my husband, and my sister ate together and then watched a film. It was simple but lovely. My full time job has been really busy lately and I’ve also had a fair number of freelance jobs that I do on top. If you add in this blog, housework, and a bit of time to sleep my day is pretty packed. That’s why i worked hard to carve out this day when I had nothing to do. When I could lie in bed late cuddling my husband, make a delicious dinner with my sister, and simply relax and watch a film with the people I love. I hope all of you enjoyed this day and made time for you.

That’s all for CMoo’s Easter blog 2021. I hope Easter blog 2022 is set in a very different world for us all.

Take care xx

P.S. Normally i use stock photos for my blog but not today. I made a beautiful Easter cake a few years ago as the final project on a cake decorating course I did. I’m really proud of it so I decided to include it.

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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