Big Tarot Spread No 2 – Honing My Skills
If you joined me last time, you’ll know I attempted a large tarot spread for the first time. It was a modified Celtic Cross created by April at Tarot and Witchery. Trying a big tarot spread was always intimidating to me because I have only been reading tarot for 18 month and I loathe doing things badly, it’s part of my trauma.
To my great surprise though, the spread was an absolute triumph. I held the thought of my progress in therapy in my mind as I shuffled the Fifth Spirit Tarot by Charlie Claire Burgess. The information it gave me was totally on point and also reassured me that as hard as therapy can be I’m on the right track.
Big Tarot Spread 2
This second spread also comes courtesy of my sister. Just under a year ago be bought a job lot of metaphysical books from a girl in our area on Facebook Marketplace. It included the Kawaii Tarot and when we divided the books Jayne ended up with it. Lately, she felt drawn to use it. That might sound weird, but honestly it happens! Out of nowhere it’s like a deck you haven’t used much starts jumping up and down in your mind and saying, “Hello! I’m ready to be used please!”
While looking through the guidebook, she found the Romany Spread. It seems massive to me, it’s 21 cards! However, it’s so well laid out it seems less intimidating. Here’s a picture.

Deciphering The Romany Spread
As you can see, the top row will tell me about the past, the centre row about the present and the bottom row about the future but there’s more to it than that. The spread also has meanings assigned to the columns. Here’s an easy to read list so you can put the two together.
- Column 1 – Me
- Column 2 – Home Factors
- Column 3 – Hopes and Fears
- Column 4 – Known Factors
- Column 5 – Hidden Factors
- Column 6 – Short Term Path
- Column 7 – Long Term Path
The cards are shuffled and then laid out one after another from top left to bottom right. I plan to read them one column at a time and then at the end do a brief analysis of the cards that appeared on each row.
My Cards
When I did my modified Celtic Cross I was torn between my Fifth Spirit Tarot and Oak, Ash and Thorn. I felt drawn to both and after some deliberation I decided on the Fifth Spirit as it’s one of the clearest readers I have today. So, for the Romany spread I’ve decided to use Oak, Ash and Thorn. They aren’t that big so I think they’re perfect for a big tarot spread and they’ll look so beautiful all laid out side by side .

Holy crap! I knew it was big tarot spread going in, but seeing it laid out like that is a little overwhelming. I guess, as with anything in life I can only take it one step at a time.
Me – Seven of Wands to Justice to Ace of Cups. In the past I felt like that poor cornered fox. I was standing my ground but felt the hits were coming from every direction. This is bang on, I went through a really hard time recently. Now I’ve reached Justice and I am dealing with the consequences of my choices in the past, I am also trying to treat everyone fairly – including myself. In the future I will move towards the Ace of Cups, counting my blessings and allowing my heart to be open and my emotions to flow.
Home Factors – The Lovers to Knight of Cups to The Magician. I’m not going to lie to you all and say my home life is picture perfect. The house is often messy, Mike and I bicker and five cats is a lot to manage. However, in the past Mike and I made the choice to live together and build a life together where we could share our love. At the moment we’re in a pretty good place. We let our hearts and the love we have for each other lead us. The Magician is a great card for the future, we will be able to use our skills, our power to manifest the life we both want.
Hopes and Fears – Six of Pentacles to The Tower to the King of Pentacles. In the past I hoped our financial lives would stabilise and outgoings would mostly be balanced. Not always the case and I was worried one misstep would spell disaster. Product of growing up in a very insecure household with a mother who never ever tried to keep her worries from us.
At the moment I am hoping for a transformation while also being terrified that I might be destroyed by it or it might be more than I can deal with. In the future I hope to epitomise the pentacle royalty with a stable, loving situation in terms of home, career, wealth, health etc but I’m afraid I’ll never achieve it.
Known Factors – Five of Pentacles to Seven of Swords to Knight of Pentacles. As I explained above, I have always had a major scarcity mindset due to my upbringing, my parents actions and my depression. I am desperate to move past it but this lack mentality might be driving me toward greed, seeking more than i need and not caring what I have to do to get it. I need to fight this urge. In the future I will be able to make my peace with my life and settle down to slow, steady work to make progress.
Hidden Factors – The High Priestess to Death to Page of Cups. In the past I had some major should searching to do, looking within to what my intuition was telling me about my life, my gifts and my spirituality. I have made some progress and now I am at the point of moving into a new phase in my life. I need to release the pain of my past and anything else that doesn’t serve the path I’m on now. Once I’ve done this I need to try and approach life in a more open way, look for possibilities and message from the universe.
Short Term Path – Page of Pentacles to The Chariot to King of Swords. In the past I wanted more – more money, a better job, more tarot decks, more love. I couldn’t deal with the bad feelings so I buried them behind want and consumption. Now though, I am actually making progress and moving towards my goals. I am also learning to deal with my emotions in a healthier way but I still slip up! In the future I need to apply my intelligence and morality to keep me on a path I can be proud of.
Long Term Path – Two of Pentacles to Knight of Wands to Temperance. One of my biggest struggles in the past was balance. I was working too much or not enough, overeating or on a diet, an emotional mess or completely shut down…you get the idea! I am now worrying less about balancing my life and more about being brave enough to go where my inspiration leads me and give new thoughts, dreams and activities a chance. Fear still holds me back a lot but I’m working on it! In the future, signs point to my being truly in balance and more importantly harmonious. Fingers crossed!
General Thoughts
Well holy crap there’s a lot going on! Major arcana cards point to major life changes and I got eight, more than a third of the spread! I also got seven court cards (Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings) suggesting that either people will enter my life who embody these qualities or I need to do it myself. There are only two wands, suggesting that initial spark and creativity don’t play as big a role. I got six pentacles, so it reflects what I already know – the material plane (health, career, finances) are a key part of my life.
The past is almost all pentacles and major arcana so again, that material aspect was a huge part of my past. Lots of majors in my present suggesting I’m in the midst of some big transitions. The future fills me with hope – emotions, home and positive cards for change and balance. It suggests my life will be easier at some point. Thank goodness!
I guess it’s a case of use a big tarot spread and get some big answers! Even though I’ve written this blog, I think I’ll need to spend more time unpacking and reflecting on it. This is such a big tarot spread that all other opinions and thoughts are welcome so please feel free to share! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, take care til next time xx