10 Important Anxiety Symptoms You Might Miss Part 2
Welcome to part 2 of my post talking about less obvious anxiety symptoms you might miss if you don’t know what to look for. If you haven’t read part one covering symptoms 1-5, please check it out first. All done? Great! Let’s talk about symptoms 6-10.
6) Trouble Making Decisions
When you have a decision to make, do you find yourself considering all possible angles and trying to consider all consequences? This is understandable with a big decision like a house purchase. If it’s just which restaurant to book for dinner or whether Saturday or Sunday is the best day to go for a walk with friends, it’s unnecessary. If you’re fretting over the outcome of a minor decision, it could be a symptom of anxiety.
7) Procrastinating
Sometimes people are just prone to procrastination because they can’t be bothered to make an effort. Sometimes, though, it’s a sign of anxiety. If this is you, you might be worried that if you do X, you’ll hate it and be miserable, or possibly you’ll be really rubbish at it, or even that you’ll do that thing fine, but once you’ve finished it, the next thing that comes along will be crap. For people not prone to anxiety, this may seem weird, but that’s the reason this is an anxiety symptom you might miss.
8) You Can’t Delegate
I’m sure there are a lot of people who would argue with me about this. Refusing to delegate is not a sign of anxiety. I take pride in my work; I manage my time, so it’s not necessary, it would take longer to explain what I need, etc. They might be true, but a refusal to let go of the controls is a sign of anxiety. Deep down, you’re terrified that it will all go wrong if you don’t do it personally. Fear of lack of control plays a big part in our battle with anxiety.

9) You Refuse To Take Risks
Unless you’re the most brainless of adrenaline junkies, everyone is at least a little risk-averse. It’s natural and an inbuilt survival mechanism designed to keep us safe. However, if you’re afraid of any risk, it’s likely one of the anxiety symptoms you might miss.
For example, it could lead to you not applying for your dream job in case you don’t get it, or worse, get it and fail. Or maybe you didn’t ask out someone you were really attracted to in case they said no. Or even if you decided not to go to your dream holiday destination because of trouble in another part of the country.
10) Your Body Aches
When you suffer from anxiety and do nothing about it, it’s likely to have a physical impact. I am a teeth grinder. My jaw is always clenched, and when I catch myself, I have to make myself relax. I also tend to juggle my fingers. I’m aware of it, but I find it very difficult to stop as I do it unconsciously. I also often have an aching neck and shoulders.
If you find you have similar symptoms, it’s likely you’ve got a deep well of anxiety that you need to start dealing with. You may not have associated a stiff neck or excessively worn down teeth as having an emotional cause. That’s why it’s one of the anxiety symptoms you might miss and that most people might miss. It is essential for your physical and mental health that you become aware.
How About You?
Now we’ve talked about ten anxiety symptoms you might miss are there any you think I’ve missed? If so, please pop them in the comments.