man with fireworks
Mental Health

2020 has been horrific. Thank God it’s over! But what now?

Hi Musers, happy new year! This is my final post of 2020 and I’m so looking forward to continuing life’s journey with you in 2021. I know 2020 has been horrific and we can’t wait to enter 2021. This post is not my reflections on the last year. If you’ve stuck with me since I started this blog in August, you’ll know I’ve written plenty about it already. It’s not talking about where I feel my life is great, on track or bad either. I wrote about that here.

So it’s predictions, plans, and resolutions then?

No, No and HELL NO! How many resolutions have you ever stuck to for longer than the first couple of weeks in January? Predictions. Could any of you have predicted the colossal shit-show that was 2020? As for plans, I prefer not to make any too far ahead because life always changes things.

What is it then?

Simple. This post acknowledges what we’ve all been through this year. Covid-19 has been a global nightmare for all of us. Over 1.8 million deaths worldwide. Quarantines and lockdowns. People losing their jobs. People losing business that they have put their hearts and souls into and tried desperately to keep going. Loneliness. Fear.

I only have one thing to say about 2021

I’m not going to make comments like “It’s going to be a better year” or “It can’t be worse than last year” I believe from my experience this just challenges fate to prove you wrong. Believe it or not, I actually felt pretty positive at the start of last year. I had plans and was going to get my life back on track at last. Ha bloody ha!

Instead, I took a new job and was made redundant seven weeks later due to Covid. I couldn’t go to New York just before Christmas which I was so excited about. I spent most of the year with just my husband and sister in my house. Perhaps unsurprisingly my depression has been the worst it’s ever been.

Here goes…my comment…

WE GOT THIS! This has been a shitty year. Beyond awful. 2020 has been horrific. We dealt with it though. I’m sure many thousands of people have had it far worse than me. They’ve been extremely ill themselves or lost loved ones. They had far greater mental health crises with minimal support from health services. The key thing is we all made it through.

Remember we are all strong, capable people. When the going gets tough we band together and make it through. Whatever 2021 throws at us we’ll handle it the same way we did 2020, with resilience. We might stumble and fall but we’ll get up again and we’ll keep moving forward.

Don’t be afraid to rely on friends and family. Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are still good people in the world. Take time for yourself, look after yourself and show yourself love. Be there for others when you can but not if it compromises your mental health.

Above all have a happy new year. I know we’re restricted but have as much fun as you can. I’ll be drinking lots and playing games with my husband and sister. I’ll see you next year my Musers, love you all!

CMoo xx

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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