Fat people can do anything
Body Liberation

9 Things Fat People Can Do. The Last One Is Mind-Blowing!

Today we’re going to talk about things fat people can do. It might sound a bit of a strange topic, but this is a surprising amount of crap out there. There are lots of things that people seem to think fat people cannot or should not do. The fact is most of it is plain wrong! So, let’s get started and prepare to have your mind changed and your eyes opened.

1. Be Sexy

Fat people are ugly, right? Unattractive and unacceptable, certainly never beautiful or sexy. After all, if they were, they’d be in beauty magazines and movies and on billboards.

The fact is that fat people can be both beautiful and sexy, and they can look stunning in lingerie or skimpy dresses or anything else that makes them feel sexy AF—seriously, smoking hot! The fact that we don’t see these things in magazines in the media is a part of society’s thin agenda and does not represent the truth.

2. Exercise

This one isn’t so much can’t as don’t. One of the biggest myths about fat people is that they hate exercise and never do it. In fact, I wrote a whole piece about it being fat myth number one. The truth is that fat people can and do exercise; I do it myself regularly.

If you’re questioning how fat people can exercise and still be fat, then it’s because you’ve bought into diet culture’s lies that weight loss is as easy as a+b=c. Short term, they may be right, but long term, they’re dead wrong. If you want to know why eat less and exercise more is a terrible piece of advice, check out my post.

3. Show Skin

I bet that wasn’t one of the items you expected in a list of things fat people can do. When I was younger, one thing that was drummed into me was that fat bodies should be covered up. I needed to wear full sleeves, long tops, long skirts or trousers at all times. I could show a little cleavage, but what’s the point? Who’d look at me when I was fat? I was amazed when I followed body positive influencers and saw them showing skin, lots of it! Sometimes they were completely nude. You are allowed to show as much or as little skin as you feel happy with.

That’s the theory anyway. The sad fact is that Instagram tends to block this type of content posted by fat influencers but leave precisely the same types of images of thin people up. What’s even worse is that they also appear to target POC more than they do white bodies. So Instagram’s algorithms are both racist and fatphobic, and it’s just plain wrong.

4. Wear The Same Clothes As Standard Size Bodies

The availability of clothes in larger sizes on the high street is an absolute disgrace! Even when you find a rare shop that goes up to your size, they usually have their own range of “fat people clothes”, even though most of their normal lines would look equally good on a fat person. We’re getting better representation online, but retailers need to become truly inclusive in their sizing. Until they do, I refuse to shop there regardless of what else they sell. With regular reports in the news that the high street is dying, retailers really need to take note.

5. Be Seen!

Fat bodies deserve to be seen and acknowledged as a part of society. There needs to be as many fat models, actors, singers, politicians, and fitness coaches as standard-sized ones. Fat people are beautiful, intelligent, hard-working and capable, and we need to see this.

6. Receive Proper Medical Care

It should not be a prerequisite that to receive treatment a fat person has to lose weight first. Doctors cite increased health risks when performing surgery on larger bodies but think about the number of bariatric surgeries performed worldwide every day. I’m calling bullshit on this. The risks may be higher but not unacceptably high. We also need to see an end to every ailment, from a sore foot to crippling nausea, being blamed on our weight. Doctors should be running the same tests they would on a thin person. Fat people are worthwhile individuals and deserve equality.

7. Be Hurt

Do you think that being fat means we are no longer human? That we don’t have feelings? That it’s ok to make jokes at our expense, call us whales, tell us we’re going to die soon? Newsflash, IT’S NOT! Regardless of what you believe about larger bodies, we have the right to be treated with the same respect and kindness as everyone else. The next time you feel like saying something mean, I want you to imagine if someone you loved became fat. Imagine saying it to them. If you know you wouldn’t say it, then do us all a favour and keep it zipped.

8. Date And Marry Thin People

This feeds back into the “fat people are ugly/disgusting/unappealing” myth. Firstly as I previously explained, fat people are sexy. They are also beautiful, funny, sassy, intelligent, kind, compassionate people. There are absolutely zero good reasons why a thin person wouldn’t date/fall in love with/marry a fat person. There are many examples of these types of couples on Instagram. VoluptuousLeah is one of my favourites.

9. Things Fat People Can Do…The Big One!

ANYTHING THEY WANT TO!! Fat people are as worthy and as valuable as any other human being, and they deserve to live their lives in the way that they see fit. They can:

  • Work as a model
  • Eat an extra-large slice of cake
  • Fly on an airplane
  • Be promoted at work
  • Be seen as a go-getter
  • Date whomever they please
  • Wear as many, or as few clothes as they like
  • And…
  • This is the most important…
  • Ready?
  • Be treated with respect and have their contribution to society recognised and valued

Fat People Can Do Anything

As I’m sure you’ve guessed, the point of this article is that it’s not a question of “Things Fat People Can Do”, they can do anything! We are people just the same as everyone else. Please carry that thought with you as you move through the world today. Let the knowledge flow to others so that everyone is treated equally. We’re all human, please remember that.

Hello my dear Musers. If you’re a regular reader of this blog please accept my heartfelt thanks you have no idea how much it means to me. I write this blog to let people suffering with body image issues, mental health problems and trauma know they’re not alone. Lately, though, my mental and physical health haven’t been great. It’s been hard to keep going. For that reason, I’m cutting back and from now on will only post on Sundays to try and ensure a consistent schedule for you as I know it has been slipping of late. Love CMoo xx
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