10 Amazing Facts About The Human Body…And One Question
Hi Musers, today I want to celebrate the most spectacular machine of all time…the human body! In adults, it contains 206 bones, over 600 muscles, 14 incredibly intricate systems that work in harmony with each other, 18 feet of intestines, and 37 trillion cells. Can you imagine any man-made machine being so complex yet so perfectly balanced and efficient? Nope. We can’t even keep a Formula One car running for 70 laps! So let’s take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness of our bodies and everything they do for us.
10 Amazing Facts About The Human Body
- Your eyes can distinguish between 2.3 and 7.5 million different colours. No wonder we can take in the true beauty of nature and all its splendour and diversity.
- On average we breathe 23,000 times every day.
- Throughout our lives, our hearts pump 182 million litres of blood. Think about that! How many swimming pools you could fill? How many lakes?
- The liver is the only internal organ that can actually regenerate! It is incredibly resilient and as long as 25% of it remain it can regrow to its original size.
- In a lifetime, a human body will process about 100,000 pounds of food. All food! Not just “healthy” food.
- The brain sends nerve impulses to the rest of the body at a speed of 274 km per hour.
- In the time it took you to read this sentence 50,000 cells died in your body and were replaced.
- Your skin is replaced around a thousand times in your lifetime.
- There are 100,000 chemical reactions taking place in your brain every second.
- Taking a single step uses up to 200 muscles.
Amazing facts CMoo but where are you going with this?
That’s simple! We’ve reached the question part of this post. The question is this…if we trust our bodies to know when to breathe, how hard to pump blood, and which cells need to be replaced why don’t we trust them to know when they’re hungry? Our bodies are the most finely tuned instruments on earth. Everything is controlled exactly as it needs to be for us to thrive. Babies are born with an innate knowledge of how often and how much they need to eat. I seriously doubt a baby is lying in its cot thinking “I can’t be hungry, Mum fed be an hour ago”. Nope! They feel hungry and ask for more food.
It’s Sad
It makes me truly sad and extremely angry that so few of us are in tune with our bodies natural hunger and fullness queues any more. I include myself in this by the way! Diet culture trained us and brainwashed us all to believe they knew better but how the hell could they? Better than our own bodies?! It’s ridiculous. If my amazing facts about the human body taught you anything it should be that our bodies know what they’re doing every second of our lives. Let’s make a pact today to start putting our trust in our bodies again.
Ok…but how? I don’t know what to do anymore!
I wish this was an easy thing to do but it isn’t. I’m still struggling with it daily. I started by reading Health At Every Size by Lindo Bacon and Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. They are the go-to books but there are also tons of valuable resources on the internet too. For now, just agree to believe your body when it tells you it’s hungry regardless of when you last ate. It’s a huge step and a scary one but it’s the first step in taking your power back.
Thanks for joining me again Musers, I’ll be back on Thursday. As always I’d love to hear from you in the comments and check out the contact me page for other ways to get in touch. Til then take care of yourselves.
Love CMoo xx